
Sex Magic

January 17, 2021

We all know that sex can be magical.

Well, not all.

We have your garden variety fuckbois using women as vehicles to get them from point a to point oh.

Incels in the basement who want to fuck us but have decided we are evil be cause we don’t want to fuck them. But we don’t want to fuck them because of how they are, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy really.
Take some responsibility for how much of a turn off your bitterness is.

And then there is those women who do not know this magic and are the ones yelling at the managers with those godforsaken haircuts. Yes Karen, I am talking to you.
The pearl necklaces you clutch and the ones I crave are so very different.

All 3 slut shaming for varying reasons and all of them ought to be banging each other and leaving the rest of us alone.

I swear to god if any of those women knew one moment of sexual pleasure all the evil would exit their bodies like a beautiful exorcism and their souls would be at peace for once. And ours along with them.

If I were a billionaire, I would ship one of these to every Karen on the planet.


I had 3 mindboggling orgasms yesterday and damn if they didn’t calm me right down. Oh serotonin, you were missed, and your presence is welcome here. I love you. Please stay.

I have pontificated till I am blue in the face about the reasoning behind why North America is so fucking uptight about everyone else’s genitals and what they do with them. Just stop. Her vagina is not your business, and no, I do not want to see your dick.

Everyone knows I am staunchly poly and my reasons for being so. Everyone knows I am hyper sexual and sexually liberated as fuuuuuuck.

I didn’t just wake up one morning and suddenly become like this.

It has been a journey.

A sexy, strange and often disappointing journey.

I discovered empath sex and lightning sex about 6 years ago and I have tried not to indulge in anything less since. Although, when you are starving and someone offers you a chalky protein shake, you drink that shit down and say thank you. Please can I have some more.

And although I have stayed in some mediocre situations for really good dick, I won’t stick around for bad dick.
7 years of farm and the withholding of bad sex until I about lost my damned mind. Oh wait I did.

I have wasted enough of my life there.

Big Spoon was an exception, we just had a false start, and I am glad we decided to do a do over.

I was supposed to see him if I ever got home, told him I had a man and he said that was alright, we could just hang, he missed my energy and company. I also know he would ask once or twice politely and respect my answer.

Been craving him and Giant something fierce. Safe places to go and be both fucked well and held tight when my world falls apart.

There are some good dudes left in the world.

The guy I lost my virginity to was not one of them.

386 words and I finally get started on what I wanted to say. Sarah’s segues.

I lost my virginity in a less than majestic manner, drunk, on the back lawn of the cheapest hotel in town to a guy from out of town, who lied about his name.

It is what it is.

I was 15 and wanted rid of my virginity like throwing out a childish sweater that didn’t fit anymore.

And I had my first orgasm.

And my last for 5 years.

I didn’t have another until I started dating a woman.

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The relationship was a fucking trainwreck, I was a trainwreck, but the sex was good.

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